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Digitalization of the oil industry: basic approaches and rationale for “smart” technologies

Most of the oil fields cover thousands of square kilometers, and some of them are located in difficult local conditions (heat, permafrost, desert, deep waters) or have hard-to-recover reserves.  Due to these factors and a number of other problems associated with ensuring technological safety, there are difficulties in developing oil fields (with a constant increase in demand for oil and gas).  Therefore, oil companies, more than ever, need a digitized infrastructure of high reliability, which would provide increased productivity and security and control the numerous devices used in the oil and gas business throughout the field.

That is why in recent years, oil companies around the world are increasingly managing their oil fields through the use of “smart” technologies.  They have proven themselves to be a powerful tool to ensure that oil operations safely performed during development and increase labor productivity, as well as economic efficiency.  The used technologies provide improvement of all stages of the workflow by promptly obtaining production data associated with advanced analytics (“Internet of Things”), which facilitates a more complete and efficient development of the oil field.

The experience of introducing “intelligent” technologies has already shown high efficiency and very reliable results (both in relation to the oil production processes themselves and in relation to cost reduction in individual operations).

Oil companies need increasingly efficient oil production technologies based on radically new approaches and principles, due to the constant growth of global energy demand and the need to exploit oil fields with hard to recover reserves, as well as those at the final stage of development.

It is advanced production technologies that determine the further development and emergence of new markets, and are also the main driving force of the digital revolution.